Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh sweet the leemer ate it....

Well well here ye here ye its time for a new post from Garrett Longshanks who hails from Derbyshire! Alright i have no idea what that was but ugh well it did just happen. So i have no clue what to post but my sis is crying for another by your one and only Garootie Pootie! ( thanks for the nickname mom) SO what i have i been up to well to be honest I dont even know. I have been working and just became an official team trainer. I really like what i am doing i have never had a job so fun and also physical at the same time. Last weekend lesters boyfriend came up and we had one hell of a time gaming it up. We ... well i stayed up all night just so we could go into target and get Guitar Hero World Tour! It was pretty bad ass but we had a challenge of getting it. So we had this one lady and her daughter in front of us as we walked back to the electronics section at target. I had told him earlier a story about unsespected people buying your game. So continuing we watch the lady turn to were the bundle package is set up and she GRABS one from the shelf! But its for the 360 not his wii so we lucked out but i could see in Casey's eyes that he was going to thrown down and we would have had to whoop the lil girls and moms ass for that damn game lol but it didnt come to that. But i was ready to go if it came to that i am sure they would have put up a good fight but nothing that we couldnt handle. Thats all my exciting news. I have just been working getting trained on new stuff at work and loving life i couldnt be better. And who do you think would win in a fight.... a rabid chinchilla or a leemer? Do Work Son!! Oh and i think this Lemur looks like stewie griffin getting ready to take over the world.


**T** said...

"Stewie: What do you want?
Man in White: I want to get the hell out of here!
Stewie: Oh, I'm sorry, We're fresh out of that, but what I can give you is UNTIMELY DEATH! "

Chelsea Larie said...

the obvious answer is a leemer... what kind of person likes chinchillas anyways?! ;)

The Dixon Family! said...

Leemer? Garrett you make me laugh... dork :)