Sunday, May 31, 2009

The smile farts

Have you ever wondered why chubby people smile so much? Well that being if they are hip and know fashion because angry chubby people are bad news. Its because they are built like woopy cushions and have what is called the smile farts. I know this because i was diagnosed with this in 2004. For many years i have suffered with trying not to smile because one i will pass gas and the other is i have gapped teeth and when i smile and walk it ends up whistling like a hot tea kettle.

Recently lester one of my sisters has found it funny to poke me in my belly button. Another bad idea for several reasons.... 1. I keep a baby badger in my button for protection. 2. it hurts. 3 its possible for self combustion 4. Gas is more than likely to pass upon the simple belly poke. 5. plain and simple may lose some appendages.

Luckily all that happened was number 4. But un lucky for casey he is now covered in ace bandage and neosporin. This story has changed many lives and has done bad things to good people so please dont poke the chubby people.

Other rules you may want to follow if your not used to being around chubby people..
1. Never talk about food unless you want to become food your self. 2. never try to steal a fat mans food .. your arm maybe become the meal. 3. If you see a bald man with a chin strap and whistling teeth and the smile farts please do not offer food... same apply's to bears with this guy ... he may just eat you!

1 comment:

Oo La La Boutique said...

Hahahaahahahaha. Oh how you make me laugh. Thanks for keeping me entertained :)