Friday, February 6, 2009

Wa Wa Wa .... Great Success

Well its 5:30 in the morning and what is better to do than blog at this time. Well i can think of a few but we will keep this clean. The other day well to be honest this happens often. Someone said Garrett if i could be as happy as you everyday i would be..... but you probably take something to be this happy all the time.

Here is the fact I do not take any herbal supplements that you must smoke through a glass bottle or pipe. I also like to call it the devils cabbage. And i have to tell these people no i take nothing i am just weird i am sorry. Yes i often do my chewbacca call, talk about taints and pass gas about every 3.4 seconds. I mean but come on if you could do that to you would be as happy as me. The lady said ur always smiling and yes i am i am chubby its the only look that works for me.... besides thefact that i have gapped teeth and enjoy the feel and sound of air passing through my teeth.

Its like catching a nice sea breeze ya know. Than i told her ma'am here are my stats... i am single, live in my moms basement, i snore like a bear when i sleep, i fart way to much in my sleep, i have premature yes its coming..... balding and greying. what did you think i was going to say sheesh. And i am 6'1 and 247lbs and i am weezing and sweating still 10 mins after peeling an orange.

But to be seriouse for a second lol its nice that people recognize i am a very happy person cause for along time i wasnt. And it just proves to me that making the decision i did to move here was right for me. I couldnt be happier with my decision. Things are going really well here i just got picked as the Great Team Hero of the month at Target so yes my face gets to be framed lucky me haha. I am guessing its like there version of employee of the month. But i think its really cool i was selected. I was also selected as a top 3 performer for last month.

I will let yall know whats going on i am going to buy a new comp with my tax returns so will be back in business soon.

1 comment:

The Dixon Family! said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA... OMG!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL I almost died on the orange comment. And smiling is the only look that works on chubby. LOL OMG >>>> SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNNY. Thanks for the morning hoo-hah. Now I'm pumped. LOL At least now I know where I get my sense of humor from. lol