Looking for answers and scrambling through these scenes, Every day becomes a challenge for me.
Know i am not alone, your search must be the same, makes you wonder if it will ever be.
Hope drives me, Fear keeps me from these things.
Closed off to the world, the treasure locked in a deep chest. Bound by words haunted memories of the past.Will you have the patience to dig to the deepest of depths.
I am not simple and the puzzle is a complicated task, For the right person the grip of the pain will soon subside, for it will be a fight that will stand the test of time.
All good things come in time, the wait has been long and complicated at best.
For the frustration of the search keeps me locked in swells of the oceans nest.
Here i wait the time will soon come, i will be ready to escape with your from this nest.
the time of the wait will seem to have never exist, For the best times will sure be a plenty,
as we rise from the nest. The swells shall subside, the dreams of days of loneliness will come to rest. We shall soar to the sky's always looking down upon the travels that lead to this. Appreciation for what was, Will keep us humble and ready for the next test.